Tribute & Memorial Gifts

Make a Gift in Celebration

Our pets bring so much joy into our everyday lives. Celebrate a new addition to your family by making a gift in their honor. Your kindness makes a lasting difference for another pet family by helping Emancipet keep pet care affordable.

Honor the Memory of a Loved One

Those who have lost a pet know that no matter how much time has passed, they leave a paw print on our lives forever. You can honor a lost pet by making a gift in their name, and help ensure that other pet owners can provide loving care to their furry family members.

Thank you for your generosity. It means the world to the people and pets we serve.


August 3, 2023

In memory of Sadie H.


May 17, 2023


May 3, 2023

In honor of JED Rodgers S.


April 27, 2023

In memory of Dylan E.


February 23, 2023

In memory of Leena T.


December 15, 2022

In memory of Heidi.


November 11, 2022

In memory of Luna.


July 11, 2022

In honor of Goose.

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