Emancipet’s Guide to Pet Fire Safety

Emancipet's Guide to Pet Fire Safety Blog Header

No one knows when to expect an accidental fire. But all pet owners can plan for a safe and effective escape with their family – pets included. October is Fire Safety Awareness Month and we encourage you to use this month to create a pet emergency kit and an emergency escape plan for your pet family.

10 Things All Kids Should Know Before Handling Pets

Physically handling pets can be a delicate process, whether they’re small and fragile or big and friendly. All pets deserve respect and personal space. Improper handling can lead pets who are otherwise obedient to display signs of aggression and stress, including growling/hissing, scratching, or even biting. Children often struggle with understanding boundaries with animals, which […]

What’s the Scoop on the Best Dog Food Brands?

Emancipet Low Cost Vet Clinics - What's the scoop on dog food brands blog

The number of different brands and formulas of dog food in the pet marketplace can be overwhelming for many owners. This over-saturation can be frustrating for those pet parents that want to find the best food possible, especially if you let yourself be tricked by marketing techniques and fancy titles and trends. So, you want […]

9 Toxic And Poisonous Foods For Dogs And Cats

Emancipet Nonprofit Vet Clinics - 9 Toxic Foods to Keep Away from your Pet

Many pet owners are aware of the more commonly known toxic foods for dogs and cats, such as chocolate and grapes. But did you know that there are several more foods that can spell danger to your fluffy friend if they help themselves to these problematic human snacks? Well, let’s get into it! In this […]