How To Stop A Dog Fight

Sometimes, despite best efforts to keep your dogs safe and conflict-free, things happen. Fortunately, most fights last less than a few seconds, and you can often interrupt them by simply shouting. But what happens when a scuffle progresses into something more serious? You will have to intervene, and breaking up a dogfight can be dangerous. […]

Food Fads & Fears: What’s In Your Pet’s Bowl?

In 1992, Susan Powter told us we could eat 5,000 baked potatoes a day and not gain a pound. A few years later, Dr. Atkins recommended a restrictive, almost carb-less diet. Today, food fads are different- low-carb, gluten-free, vegan, paleo, raw. Well, different, but the same. Just like humans have seen major changes in supermarket […]

Grow Old With Me; The Best Is Yet To Be

In 2015, Toronto-based photographer Pete Thorne, created “Old Faithful,” a collection of intimate portraits of elderly dogs. His subjects, many who were deaf, blind, or both, all had one thing in common- their faces showed their age. And what a beautiful thing. All the character, the history, and the strength- anyone could see what made […]

Fall Safety Tips

Summer safety tips involve a lot of common sense, but in the fall, as the weather cools off, we may become a little more lax, and worry less about pets overheating. But that doesn’t mean that this pleasant little season doesn’t pose a few threats of it’s own. Oh, rats.This is the time of year […]