A New Beginning for Milo

Image of Milo with Emancipet technician

At Emancipet, we often witness the resilience of pets thanks to the love and compassion of their people. Milo’s story is no different.

It began when Linda, a compassionate soul with a love for animals, discovered a scruffy little dog in her driveway.

Meet Our 2 Millionth Visitor

Tuxedo cat in e-collar

On February 13, 2024, after 25 years of service, Emancipet hit a significant milestone – 2 million client visits!

Emancipet’s Guide to Pet Fire Safety

Emancipet's Guide to Pet Fire Safety Blog Header

No one knows when to expect an accidental fire. But all pet owners can plan for a safe and effective escape with their family – pets included. October is Fire Safety Awareness Month and we encourage you to use this month to create a pet emergency kit and an emergency escape plan for your pet family.