Pre- & Post-Visit Care

Pre-Visit for Surgeries & Dental Cleanings

Keep the following tips in mind before your spay, neuter, surgery or dental cleaning visit, to make your pet’s appointment easy and enjoyable.

  • Ensure that you are feeding your pet correctly. If your pet is under 8 months old, please give them ½ their normal amount of food in the morning before surgery. If your pet is older than 8 months, do not feed him or her any food after midnight the night before surgery.
  • It is ok for your pet to have water at all times.
  • On the day of their spay/neuter appointment you will receive information from Emancipet via text message regarding the specific details of our drop off and pick up. Typical drop off time is 8:00 a.m.
  • Please allow at least 30-45 minutes for check-in as all spay/neuter appointments for the day are scheduled to check-in at 8:00 a.m.
  • Cats need to be in a secure box or pet carrier and/or dogs need to be on a leash, please.
  • Pick-up time is 5:00 p.m. unless you are contacted by us to pick up your pet earlier.

Pre-Visit for Healthy Pet Services

Healthy Pet Services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. During busy times and at our mobile clinic, pets and their families need to wait for services outside.

Tips for waiting in the heat with your pet:

  • Bring water, chairs, and an umbrella, if possible, to keep sun off pets while waiting for services.
  • Wait in the car, if possible, with AC on.
  • Dogs and cats who have shorter noses, such as pugs, bulldogs, and Persian cats, are particularly sensitive to heat and humidity and can quickly develop heat stroke. With this in mind, we advise that clients keep these pets in an air-conditioned vehicle until it is their turn to be seen by the veterinarian.


Stay cool and stay safe!

Post-Visit Care Instructions After Surgery

Your dog or cat has undergone general anesthesia and surgical sterilization.

For the safety and well being of your pet, please follow these instructions:

  • Keep your pet confined for at least seven (7) days so that you can monitor the incision.
  • Do not transport or travel with your pet for at least 48 hours after surgery.
  • Do not allow your pet to run or jump for seven (7) days. Going up and down stairs is fine.
  • As with any anesthesia, stomach upset can occur. To minimize, only give ¼ to ½ of their normal amount of food and water for the first night at home. Normal diet can be resumed the next day. You may offer food to your pet as soon as you get home. Your pet should want to eat normally tomorrow.
  • DO NOT allow your pet to lick at stitches. We recommend a cone after surgery for all patients, which can be purchased from the clinic on the day of surgery. If you’d like to use your own cone, we recommend that you bring it with you when you pick up your pet so that our staff can double-check the fit and ensure they won’t be able to lick their incision.
  • Check the incision 1-2 times daily for swelling, discharge, or redness until healed. A little seepage is normal immediately after surgery. If it continues for more than 3 days or if the fluid amount is more than a few drops, please contact us. You can clean the incision with a small amount of warm water on a cotton ball.
  • Keep the incision clean and dry (no bathing or swimming) for 10 days.
  • If your pet received their first DHPP, FVRCP or Feline Leukemia vaccine today, then they will need a booster vaccine in 3 weeks. This is important in order to provide all the immunity of the vaccine. If your puppy or kitten is less than 16 weeks old, they should receive a vaccine shot every 3 weeks until he/she is over 16 weeks to provide the most coverage.
  • DO NOT give acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, or any other human medication to your pet unless directed by a veterinarian. These drugs can seriously injure your pet.

Pre- & Post-Visit FAQs

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Orci aliquam augue ligula ullamcorper. Placerat imperdiet vitae nascetur sit in. Elit in ullamcorper cras adipiscing lacus urna. Et diam tincidunt dignissim mattis risus suspendisse pellentesque ac molestie. Et semper massa odio tellus in dui. Viverra risus odio a turpis. Donec aliquet dignissim ultrices cursus faucibus nullam euismod. Habitant vitae natoque turpis aenean vitae pellentesque. Praesent risus eget pretium feugiat quam. Tempor suspendisse mauris elementum amet placerat enim eget odio. Molestie dictum dolor iaculis ullamcorper at duis. At sit erat convallis massa pellentesque bibendum lectus et odio. Pulvinar et pharetra aliquet.

Orci aliquam augue ligula ullamcorper. Placerat imperdiet vitae nascetur sit in. Elit in ullamcorper cras adipiscing lacus urna. Et diam tincidunt dignissim mattis risus suspendisse pellentesque ac molestie. Et semper massa odio tellus in dui. Viverra risus odio a turpis. Donec aliquet dignissim ultrices cursus faucibus nullam euismod. Habitant vitae natoque turpis aenean vitae pellentesque. Praesent risus eget pretium feugiat quam. Tempor suspendisse mauris elementum amet placerat enim eget odio. Molestie dictum dolor iaculis ullamcorper at duis. At sit erat convallis massa pellentesque bibendum lectus et odio. Pulvinar et pharetra aliquet.

Orci aliquam augue ligula ullamcorper. Placerat imperdiet vitae nascetur sit in. Elit in ullamcorper cras adipiscing lacus urna. Et diam tincidunt dignissim mattis risus suspendisse pellentesque ac molestie. Et semper massa odio tellus in dui. Viverra risus odio a turpis. Donec aliquet dignissim ultrices cursus faucibus nullam euismod. Habitant vitae natoque turpis aenean vitae pellentesque. Praesent risus eget pretium feugiat quam. Tempor suspendisse mauris elementum amet placerat enim eget odio. Molestie dictum dolor iaculis ullamcorper at duis. At sit erat convallis massa pellentesque bibendum lectus et odio. Pulvinar et pharetra aliquet.

Get In Touch

The Resource Center business hours are Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.

Please call us at 512-587-7729 to make sure a clinic is open before you drive in with your pet.

After-hours Emergency – call 512-587-7729 and Press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish.

If your pet has any complications related to the surgery, please CALL US IMMEDIATELY to reach the current on-call emergency contact. Please leave a message and your call will be returned by our on-call staff.

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