Are You Ready For A Second Dog?

There’s nothing wrong with a single dog home, but building your own pack can be tons of fun, too. There are so many considerations when adding a new family member to your home- temperament of your new dog and your existing dog, a willingness of your family to accept a new dog, and the new expenses that come with a second pet.

Only or lonely?

Consider your current dog before you take the plunge and adopt another one. Is she aggressive with the neighborhood dogs? Does she play well with others? What about her behavior at the dog park- does she show interest in other pets?

Some dogs might not be ready for another dog. On the contrary, if you’re adopting a younger pup, your current well-behaved fur baby might be able to help teach her the ropes. Be careful to ensure (as much as possible) that your two dogs will get along. Two alpha ladies rarely mesh well. Introduce your current dog and your potential new dog in a neutral setting, and see how it goes. It’s not a bad idea to enlist the help of a professional dog trainer too.

All in the family

If you have a partner, children, or anyone else living with you, make sure that adopting a new friend is a group decision. You want your new pet to feel welcomed in his new home, so it’s best to have everyone on board well before you start looking into acquiring a new animal.

Know your role

With a new pet comes new responsibilities. Are your kids begging for another dog? Has your wife promised to be the one in charge of training and grooming? Just remember, we’ll often say anything to get what we want. Spend time discussing who will do what and write down the roles and responsibilities for each of your family members.

Some dogs require more maintenance than others. If you’re used to having a short hair mutt who gets a bath every couple of months, adding a Shih Tzu with long flowing hair can rock your world. You’ll need to spend more on grooming, and eye care, and you’ll have to invest your own time for daily brushing.

Double the fun…and the bills

It’s important to consider the financial obligations that come with acquiring a new pet. You’ll no doubt be paying more for food and treats, plus you can probably expect to pay twice as much for grooming, vet care and products.  Of course, if you have the resources, it’s twice the fun, so we say go for it.