In September 2019, a small, unexpected cry of a kitten outside a patio door changed the lives of one of our clients forever. While researching dogs to adopt or foster, Brisa and her roommate heard the meows of a kitten coming from a neighbor’s backyard. With treats in hand, they coaxed the kitten under the fence and brought him into their home.

After discovering the sweet orange kitten didn’t have a home to return to, they took him in and named him Leon.

For months, they tried to find Leon a forever home, but there was no interest. Realizing that Leon might stay with them longer than expected, they decided to bring him to Emancipet for his vaccinations and neuter surgery, ensuring he was healthy and ready for adoption. During the visit, Emancipet’s caring staff also microchipped Leon, explaining the importance of registering him in case he ever got lost. Leon was registered under Brisa’s name, and in that moment, he officially became her cat.

A few months ago, Brisa noticed him pawing at his mouth frequently. Concerned, she brought him to Emancipet for a dental checkup. Our staff assessed him at a level 2 for dental cleaning and scheduled his appointment for several months out due to the demand of these low cost services. Thankfully, Emancipet kept Leon and Brisa on a cancellation list and reached out with updated appointments, ensuring Leon received the care he needed as soon as possible.

Thanks to Emancipet’s affordable services, Leon received the necessary dental cleaning just last month.

“I appreciate Emancipet offering their services at a discounted rate so that services are within reach. It has been a blessing to my family,” said Brisa. “I don’t know that I would have been able to afford his cleaning elsewhere.”

Donate to Emancipet

Emancipet’s mission to make veterinary care affordable and accessible has been a lifeline for many pet owners like Leon’s family. Your support today helps more pets like Leon receive the care they deserve.

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