For one dedicated pet owner, Nubia, life revolves around five very different, very special dogs. Each one of them came into her life at a unique moment, bringing their own personality and quirks. Together, they’ve formed the heart of her family—and with the help of Emancipet, they’re all thriving thanks to affordable preventative care.

The journey began with a cranky yet fiercely loyal Pomeranian, adopted while the owner was stationed in Korea as a soldier. The dog’s protective and caring nature shines through, always by his owner’s side when it matters most. Next came a quiet, emotionless Yorkie from Germany, a rescue.

Next an affectionate MaltiPoo, was meant to be a companion for Numbia’s daughter—but quickly became attached to her instead. Now, the dog follows her everywhere, showering her with affection and acting as a constant source of comfort.

Then there’s Kilo, the gentle giant of the group. Originally brought into the family as a potential protector, this Great Pyrenees has become a symbol of kindness and calm. His only challenge? An endless supply of fur! Despite the daily battle with shedding, Kilo’s calm demeanor and patient eyes make him a beloved member of the pack.

The most recent addition to the family is Whiskey, a lively and energetic Saint Bernard. After losing her husband, fulfilling the lifelong dream of having a Saint Bernard brought a ray of light into Nubia’s life. Though Whiskey’s playful chaos keeps everyone on their toes, his big personality fills the home with joy.

These five dogs—each with their unique personalities—mean the world to Nubia. They are her comfort, her joy, and the reason she keeps going every day. With a household of five dogs, ensuring their health is no small task, but thanks to Emancipet’s affordable services at our Killeen, Texas clinic, Nubia is able to keep all of them healthy and happy without the financial strain.

From regular check-ups to vaccinations, Emancipet has been there to support this family with high-quality preventative care. Nubia says, “I spend less on myself so I can provide more for them,” and she’s grateful to Emancipet for making affordable care possible.

You can help more families like hers by supporting low-cost veterinary care at Emancipet. Your donation ensures that pets receive the preventative care they need, keeping them healthy and happy, while also lifting the financial burden off families who love them.

Your Support Makes a Difference

Emancipet relies on donations to help keep our costs low for pet families like Nubia’s. Every dollar counts in our mission to make veterinary care affordable for all.